Hi all,
As I'm sure most of you have heard, and are possibly sick of hearing, I'm studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain this Fall, from early September until just before Christmas. I'm saving up this summer to take plenty of side trips (keep in mind, I'm a rev pax now, albeit one with access to discount airlines like Ryanair) while I'm out. Problem is, I'm still afraid of losing money halfway through, especially when I have a few days to spend traveling before returning home. I have a visa to be in the country, but it's a student visa and does not authorize me to work in the country (technically http://www.nonrev.net/forums/style_e...DIR#>/wink.gif )
So, with that in mind, does anyone have any tips to make just a little cash under the counter somehow? Obviously, I'm not looking for a full-time job or anything, just enough to take me on that one extra trip. My Spanish is decent enough to get by, so that shouldn't be a major problem. I do have plenty of computer experience (repairs and the whatnot) and will be staying with a host family, but that's about all I can think of. For the record, students staying with families in Europe are seen as boarders more than anything else, rather than a member of the family like in the US, so I don't know that I'd be interacting with friends of the host family a whole lot like you might expect. Otherwise, I'm up for just about anything besides sitting on the street begging (pretty sure I'd stick out as an American, anyway http://www.nonrev.net/forums/style_e...R#>/tongue.gif ) and would prefer to stay away from cleaning if possible (to be blunt, I'm not very good at it, I've tried http://www.nonrev.net/forums/style_e...R#>/tongue.gif )
maybe you can learn alot about a certain aspect of the area and get a t-shirt that says something like student concierge and work for tips showing people around?
just a thought...
In the same vein as M767 comments, I would think speaking English would be a bonus in tourist areas. Maybe try hooking up with a tour company, or working in a bar that caters to tourists. Of course the old reliable "I've got computer skills" note on your dorm's bulletin board should get you some work. http://www.nonrev.net/forums/style_e...DIR#>/wink.gif
Pan handler's sign (seen yesterday in Union Square)
My dog has been kidnapped by ninjas. Need money for karate lessons!"
Trust me, that sign was bringing in a few bucks. http://www.nonrev.net/forums/style_e...DIR#>/wink.gif
Bars and restaurants normally do cashies... well they do here at least
Find it odd on a student visa you can't work at all. If you come here y'all can work 20hrs a week