Oscar, the stage is yours. In yet another — and perhaps the flashiest — sign yet that United Airlines is changing, CEO Oscar Munoz will take center stage in what is being billed as a major media event on June 2 at the historic Gotham Hall in New York City. Multiple sources said this will be Munoz's biggest public event since he returned in late March from an extended medical leave after a heart attack and heart transplant. The New York City event also comes after United agreed to bring in new board of directors members proposed by two activist shareholder groups.

The invitation to the June 2 event takes pains to pique curiosity without in any way revealing exactly what will take place, except to note it will be an "interactive" presentation. But multiple sources said the plan is to
introduce new products and services that will — to use United's words — "reimagine the way United customers fly" and "take flying to new heights."

That's a pretty sweeping summary, of course, of what United may be about to reveal. But as one source noted, "the airline business is a competitive industry." And since Munoz's return United appears to have stepped up its efforts to keep reminding fans and critics alike that it is trying more proactively to improve all aspects of the Chicago-based carrier's operations.
Earlier this week, Munoz sent a letter to more than 10 million members of its MileagePlus frequent traveler program. In the letter he noted: "As I travel our network meeting with employees, I see and feel a new energy and enthusiasm that I am calling the new spirit of United. This new spirit is the passion of our employees for what the airline can achieve, and we're seeing it where you have said it matters most — getting you to the places you need to be comfortably and on time."