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Thread: Another ADA/ ACAA Failure... AA Loses BOS Bomb Survivor's Leg

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  1. #1
    NonRev Correspondent
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    Nov 2012

    Default Another ADA/ ACAA Failure... AA Loses BOS Bomb Survivor's Leg

    Boston Marathon bombing survivor Adrianne Haslet-Davis took to Twitter Thursday, calling out American Airlines for losing luggage containing some important equipment.Haslet-Davis, a professional dancer, lost her leg in the explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 2013. She tweeted Thursday evening that the airline lost a bag containing her prosthetic leg and dance parts, valued at over $250,000.
    Haslet-Davis asked American Airlines to please respond.
    Haslet-Davis’ tweet has been shared by over 100 people, many of whom are slamming American Airlines while also calling on news media to publicize Haslet-Davis’ story.
    American Airlines was quick to respond on Twitter, saying, "We're doing all possible to get you and your bag back together again."
    The company did not immediately respond this morning to an ABC News request for comment.
    Most recently, Haslet-Davis shared a positive note with those who have followed her story and have tried to help.
    ddagencylv - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Global Aviation News

  • #2
    Super Moderator MRSDS1DONNA's Avatar
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Maybe it is just me but why would you check your prosthetic leg?
    MRSDS1DONNA - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Arizona

  • #3
    Full Member R.M.Anderson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRSDS1DONNA View Post
    Maybe it is just me but why would you check your prosthetic leg?
    It is possible that she had two legs (pardon the pun) - one for routine everyday use and the one lost was a professional one for dance purposes.
    There would be a design difference between the two.
    The question is did she check the leg without a cover and perhaps the bag check got torn off in transit because of the unusal design - these do
    not have toes or an ankle to tie a tag onto just a thin spring curved blade.

    I have a gut feeling that the ramp/cargo workers just thought it to be part of stage show prop and was part of a air freight shipment.

    One has to have some detective smarts to work Lost & Found aka Baggage Services - not a job for a rookie customer service agent.

    But American YOU BLEW IT BIG TIME - no excuses !
    DOE - 09/03/65 WAL
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  • #4
    NonRev Correspondent
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    Update...American Airlines has found the luggage belonging to Boston Marathon bombing survivor Adrianne Haslet-Davis, after she took to Twitter Thursday calling out the company for losing luggage containing some important equipment.Haslet-Davis, a professional dancer, lost her leg in the explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 2013. She tweeted Thursday evening that the airline lost a bag containing her prosthetic leg and dance parts, valued at over $250,000.
    Haslet-Davis asked American Airlines to please respond, which it did, first tweeting, "We're doing all possible to get you and your bag back together again."
    The company followed up this morning: "We're sorry this happened. Her bag has been located and we will reunite her with it as soon as possible."
    Haslet-Davis’ original tweet had been shared by over 100 people, many of whom slammed American Airlines while also calling on news media to publicize Haslet-Davis’ story.
    Haslet-Davis had shared a positive note with those who have followed her story and have tried to help.
    ddagencylv - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Global Aviation News

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