I'm trying to fly to Hawaii in a few weeks... I have a friend who is retired from the airline who has offered to allow me to purchase D3 passes from JFK to Hawaii, currently around $300 each direction for first class which sounds like an excellent deal. But the more I read about these D3 passes the more it seems like a high-risk activity.. I have a few questions:

1. Does the D3 Pass Reservation guarantee me a seat on the flight?
2. Since this is a retiree account they obviously cannot deduct payment through payroll, how is payment weight? Is there a way that me, the traveler can pay for it?

He has also offered to extend a D1 pass to myself and my fiancé. Is this possible?

1. Is a D1 pass guaranteed a seat on the flight?

Considering a round-trip coach ticket $700 and less I have a good shot at getting first-class with the D3 or the D1 pass, at $600 is not much of a savings to go through the stress of an unconfirmed First-class seat to save $100 per ticket. Do I have this all backwards? What do you guys think?