So, I've been thinking about different places I'd like to see in the world, hopefully by non-reving when/if I get back on with NW, but any time I have a ton of money to spend on travel (ok, this may not occur beyond my dreams, but bear with me ).

Specifically, I'd really like to see some of the cities/countries that are misunderstood more than anything else. For example, the vast majority of Americans would cringe at the idea of going to Tehran, Iran. After hearing about the Rick Steve's Iran on NPR, I'd really like to see that place for myself. Granted, that one is quite a stretch, but what else can you folks think of? Places that are thought to be dangerous, but really not all that bad. Another example is just about anywhere in South America. I don't think that Bogota is quite ready for tourism, but I'd LOVE to see Montevideo, Uruguay. Beautiful city, and my old Spanish teacher (I speak proficient Spanish, which helps) had no qualms about someone like me going.

Any thoughts?

Oh, and Havana, Cuba would be AWESOME... if only I were Canadian