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Thread: New Senior Correspondents

  1. #1
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    LA, the city of angels & freeways

    Default New Senior Correspondents

    I am pleased to announce that ddagencylv (D2), isppilot and Vulindlela (V)) have been elevated to Senior Correspondent status

    Non-Rev Correspondents are Forum members who have a wealth of nonrev travel knowledge and a willingness to share tips and advice and to help their fellow traveler navigate those often ‘bumpy” non rev skies. They go that extra mile.
    Each correspondent specializes in a travel destination (usually their home base and/or a destination they visit often) or targets a non-rev travel niche

    ddagencylv/D2 (Global Aviation News) specializes in, airline/airport news, and information, plus his “Airport of the Week” feature is one of the most popular on the site. And then their D2’s famous four rules of non-revving, although I never did quite understand his rule to FEDEX a bag to CUN, but to each his own. Finally, as an Angeleno I feel it would be remiss if I didn’t point out once again, that LAX had only four (4) days to shine in the “Airport of the Week” spotlight - but that’s water under the bridge and I’ve let that go.

    isppilot (New York City) may love New York but his travel preference is for warm weather destinations - the Canary Islands, Greece, Tahiti, Thailand to name a few. And while isppilot has given out lots of great advice in his posts, my favorite post and one that had me laughing out loud, was “Non-Rev Purgatory”. I have to tell you until I read that post I had no idea isppilot was such an optimist. There he is at home, warm and toasty, watching flights cancel across the board and listening to weather forecasts that go from predicting 3-7 inches to 1-2 feet of snow and using the word BLIZZARD! Yet isppilot sets out for the airport, confident he’s on his way to San Francisco. Now some might call that ‘crazy’, but I call it - hardcore non-rev optimism.

    Vulindlela/V (Indianapolis) is one of the Forum’s million-mile flyers and while that is noteworthy in itself, what I find impressive is that he travels with his family and usually they’re seated upfront. How does he do it? Well look at two lines from V’s Athens trip Report(2011) -

    For spring break, we looked at various places to visit and the top of the list included Amsterdam, Dublin, Brussels, and Tokyo.” …” " I saw that ATH was wide open both directions and so we chose that.”

    V flips the travel planning script, taking full advantage of the info we, as airline employees, have and looks at flights, and then settles on a destination. The Bahamas, Rome, South Africa, Turks and Caicos, V has traveled far and wide. Now I have to admit to flipping the script a few times myself -great trips, although, I wouldn’t recommend the technique if your mom expects you home for her birthday.

    Congratulations all.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • This post by Migflanker liked by 3 users:

    BKLinde (14-Jun-2022), vulindlela (06-Jun-2022), zedman (31-May-2022)

  • #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Many thanks!! Does this mean we finally we get confirmed First Class for life? Congrats to my fellow senior correspondents!
    isppilot - Senior NonRev Correspondent - New York City

  • This post by isppilot liked by 2 users:

    MRSDS1DONNA (28-May-2022), vulindlela (06-Jun-2022)

  • #3
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    May 2002
    LA, the city of angels & freeways
    Quote Originally Posted by isppilot View Post
    Does this mean we finally we get confirmed First Class for life?
    Like I said, isppilot is a hardcore optimist.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #4
    Super Moderator MRSDS1DONNA's Avatar
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Congrats everyone! You all are great contributors to the site!
    MRSDS1DONNA - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Arizona

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  • #5
    NonRev Correspondent
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thank you so much!!!
    ddagencylv - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Global Aviation News

  • >

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