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Thread: New to AA non-rev, trying to understand the overall process / documentation

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Question New to AA non-rev, trying to understand the overall process / documentation

    When an employee books your travel, what do you actually receive?
    Do they give you a PNR, a website to print information, nothing just show up at the airport?
    A newish employee would be doing this for me and not sure he has any of the answers.
    I also heard about being 'listed' for a flight, is this the process of the employee booking the travel or something in addition?
    This is domestic travel out of ORD.
    I was surprised there was no step-by-step process that I could find.

    Any help on what the process looks like from documents to first steps would be great!

    Thanks much in advance!

  • #2
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    LA, the city of angels & freeways
    Welcome aboard Sobore and welcome to the topsy-turvy world of non-revving.
    Noooo my newly minted D3 guest traveler, just showing up at the airport is not an option;
    you and more importantly your sponsoring employee, will have to do some prep and then you’ll still have to show up at the airport with at least two good luck charms and a copy of the non-rev prayer in your pocket - non-revving will be quite the adventure.

    But first things first, do encourage your sponsoring employee to log into Jetnet and read the NRTP Guide, it will guide them step by step through the process - planning a trip, selecting a flight, checking flight loads, checking in, dress code, cost, etc.
    Your sponsoring employee is always your best source for info.

    The employee will flight list you and can have your flight itinerary emailed to you.
    Check-in opens 24 hours prior to the flight, the employee checks you in and will email you a standby boarding pass to get you through security. You can also get a standby boarding pass at a self serve kiosk as long as you have that record locator number - which your sponsoring employee will give you.
    BTW, AA boarding is based on check-in time (within boarding priority) so it’s best to check-in when the window opens.
    Your sponsoring employee can go onto NRTP and see where you stand on the priority list and what priority those ahead of you have. And you my friend will be able to see where you stand on the priority list on the gate display monitors.
    Once at the gate it’s a waiting game. The gate agent will (hopefully) call your name and you will get your boarding pass. You will be among the last to board, so expect to have your carry-on gate checked, or at the least your bag crammed into an overhead seats away.
    Trust me, when boarding if you see any open space in an overhead, put your bag in.
    Of course there’s always the chance you’ll be (“bumped“) left behind.
    In that case you’ll be “rolled over” to the next flight BUT you be unfazed because…….
    you are prepared, you have a list of fights, with you. (uh-huh)

    The cardinal rule of non-revving is never use standby travel when you absolutely, positively have to be there.
    As a non-rev you are at the mercy of fluctuating loads, mechanicals, late arriving flights and the ripple effect of weather and computer issues - the Non-Rev gods can be a fickle bunch.
    You must be prepared ( a backup plan A, B and C) flexible (early flights usually offer your best chance) patient (waiting to hear your name can be nerve racking) plus you should always be courteous to the flight crew and having a good sense of humor is an asset.
    Non-revving is an art form, it’s luck and you’re playing the odds.
    Do a search and read the threads with non-rev tips, it will help.

    Good Luck

    Last edited by Migflanker; 10-Sep-2016 at 01:21 PM.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    I cannot thank you enough!
    Great summary of the process and very informative!
    Really appreciate you taking the time for the reply!

    Thanks again,

  • #4
    NonRev Correspondent
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Welcome. Anytime your in the ATL, let me know..
    ddagencylv - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Global Aviation News

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