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Thread: Aa - dfw - hkg; cx - hkg - maa

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Aa - dfw - hkg; cx - hkg - maa

    This is my first nonrev trip from Dallas to HKG with AA, connecting with CX at HKG to MAA. Booked tickets at myIDtravel.

    Request for below information -

    1. Do I need to checkin at the DFW airport kiosk 24 hrs before the flight? Looks like online check in is not allowed for nonemployees by AA.
    2. Connecting to CX at HKG. Do I need to clear immigration and come out to the departure check in counter? Is there a option to checkin at the transfer desk?
    3. Trying to travel light with just a backpack with laptop and pair of dress.

    Any other inputs from AA/CX employees or nonrev experts is highly appreciate for a novice nonrev traveller.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    LA, the city of angels & freeways
    Welcome aboard gjanardh. I moved your thread to our designated AA Forum- brighter lights, bigger marquee, plus we have snacks. *wink*.

    1. AA boarding is based on check-in time (within boarding priority) and you're correct check-in opens 24 hours prior to flight departure - it's always best to check-in as early as possible.
    2. I'll hand this one off to someone that has actually been through HKG airport. *wink*
    3. Traveling light is definitely the way to go. A checked bag can prevent you from making that last-minute change to another flight, beside you're FedEx...just ship the excess. *wink*

    Bonus Do remember LAX also has a daily HKG non-stop and gjanardh my friend, your boarding priority is..........down the list. Go with the flight with the best numbers.
    Last edited by Migflanker; 12-Apr-2018 at 11:59 AM.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    As a nonrev, you will need to clear immigration in HKG. Since nonrevs departing HKG are cleared at the check in counter, you will need to check in with CX to receive a boarding pass. You will then need to clear security and immigration before proceeding to the gate.
    isppilot - Senior NonRev Correspondent - New York City

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  • #4
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    Jun 2017
    Took a CX flight from tpe to hkg. Was able to check in 24 hrs prior online and surprisingly got a seat assignments. Hopefully you'll get assignments up front, we waited to be cleared for a United hkg to ord flight before security up until about 30 mins to boarding and it was kinda tight. Hkg is a huge airport, lots of people through security and you'll most likely have to walk and or take a tram for a while. Good luck!

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  • #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Thank you very much for your inputs. Really appreciate, my nonrev friends.

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