Yeap, I beeee cool. Papua New Guinea? Where in the world is that? If you have any decent geographical skills, you can pin point PNG just north of the Australian continent. PNG is wild. Hardly any roads leading to any of the other towns or villages. You have to fly to those spots. It is very remote. I spent a couple of days in Papua New Guinea going to and from Australia from Guam. What a beautiful place. It is a rainforest, with beautiful trees, birds, flowers and mountains. The people there are considered MELANESIANS. They are black people but different from Africa type of blacks. I remember the name of the airport was called Jacksons international airport. I cannot remember the exact name of the hotel since I was last there in 1989, Jan. I remember drinking SP beer. SOUTH PACIFIC. Prize winning beer. It had the BIRD OF PARADISE on the lable. The Bird of Paradise was the main logo for that country. Like in Indonesia, its the GARUDA. Incidentally, Indonesia shares the island with Papua New Guinea. That side on the west of the island of New Guinea belonging to Indonesia is really alot more remote than PNG. JAYA IRIAN. Look this up on a search engine. I was riding around in PORT MORSEBY which is the capitol of PNG in a cab and noticed alot of neat things. We went up to a nice lookout place to see the harbor. I took magnificent photo of the whole harbor. I also took a photo of a WWII plane in the airfield or the remains of one. I bought a wood carving I sent home and till this day, my mother still has it hanging on the wall. Spookey looking carving. Sea shells for eyes, and one is slanted to give it a wicked look. Supposedly wards off evil. I saw homes on STILTS off the ground over swampland and water. Some people had paint on their faces, like a chalk. I asked why that was, and they had some special holiday going on. They really looked like the old head hunters. One thing I found the people really had this look to them. They just stared in a strange manner. I wasn't really there long enough to comment on the whole place but that is one place I wouldn't mind visiting again for longer time. I would like to see the firedances of Warek on the north coast or Lae. PNG is definately a BOTONIST dream. All kinds of jungle, foilage, plants and animals. They speak about 7000 dialects, and pigeon English.
Gotta go, and be cool.