I am looking for a US travel agent that specializes in Australia. I am also looking for hotel reccomendations for Sydney and Melbourne. Thanks
I am looking for a US travel agent that specializes in Australia. I am also looking for hotel reccomendations for Sydney and Melbourne. Thanks
Hi Mtnest,
I recommend a search of the forum using "Sydney" and "Melbourne". I believe Al has posted several recommendations.
You can also check out his articles:
Getting Around Down Under
<a href="http://nonrev.net/articles/australia/index.htm" target="_blank">http://nonrev.net/articles/australia/index.htm</A>
No Worries with Al's Oz Advice
<a href="http://nonrev.net/articles/al/index.htm" target="_blank">http://nonrev.net/articles/al/index.htm</A>
I noticed one of them is dated from 1999 (wow! have we been doing this that long?!!) but I'm sure most of it is still relevant.
Chris Bagley (Nonrev Network Founder)
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