Been there twice--recently a few months ago. Your wife chose well! The Balinese people are incredible!
We're DL, so we've gone via KE using miles for that last leg. Last time, we planned for BKK but had to reroute thru SIN. We flew Garuda nonstop to DPS--very pleasant service. Do you have options for upgrades or only coach zeds?
Not knowing your zed options, I can only tell you what we did. We're still waiting for refunds on Thai Air (60+ days from purchase) but ezeds are a bonus in most cases.
I can refer you to my fave Bali booking site via PM. We've stayed at Royal Pita Maha in Ubud twice (the BEST!) and also a low-key small resort in Amed. Last trip was at Hotel Tugu--a premier museum hotel in all it's Balinese glory. I have a few favorite drivers and many resources for sites, temples and food.
What's your age range, what are your interests, etc? Happy to share and assist. How long are you staying? I have some private villas contacts, too. It's a LONG trip no matter how you do it--give yourself enough time to get "normal" on arrival.