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Thread: Looking to Non-Rev USA to Bali....seeking advice

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Looking to Non-Rev USA to Bali....seeking advice

    My wife has fallen in love with the idea of vacationing in Bali. I work in the USA for an airline that has pass agreements with Cathay Pacific, Korean Air and Phillippine Air to name a few. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on when and how to get there. Willing to depart from anywhere in USA. Thanks in advance for all the help.

  • #2
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    Been there twice--recently a few months ago. Your wife chose well! The Balinese people are incredible!

    We're DL, so we've gone via KE using miles for that last leg. Last time, we planned for BKK but had to reroute thru SIN. We flew Garuda nonstop to DPS--very pleasant service. Do you have options for upgrades or only coach zeds?
    Not knowing your zed options, I can only tell you what we did. We're still waiting for refunds on Thai Air (60+ days from purchase) but ezeds are a bonus in most cases.
    I can refer you to my fave Bali booking site via PM. We've stayed at Royal Pita Maha in Ubud twice (the BEST!) and also a low-key small resort in Amed. Last trip was at Hotel Tugu--a premier museum hotel in all it's Balinese glory. I have a few favorite drivers and many resources for sites, temples and food.
    What's your age range, what are your interests, etc? Happy to share and assist. How long are you staying? I have some private villas contacts, too. It's a LONG trip no matter how you do it--give yourself enough time to get "normal" on arrival.
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #3
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    Jun 2006
    This if for our 10th wedding anniversary. We are in our late 30s/early 40s, so the length of the trip, while extreme, can be done. We have done trips to Australia, New Zealand and Tahiti. I work for Southwest, if that helps you understand the agreements we have. I don't think we have a deal with Garuda (was my first hope), nor do we have any agreement with Thai. Cathay for the two of us was around $900 Zed Med rountrip. We would have to put in a formal request to see how much it would be on KE. I believe Cathay is a change in HK and KE is a change in Seoul. Any good seasons to non-rev there. I don't worry about the weather, I'd rather be less stressed about getting to and from. Thanks again for all your help. I'd be happy to return the favor if you need SWA flight info.

  • #4
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Sorry, but I have no clue what your interline agreements are. I will be at your disposal for any land info. You may want to look at LCC's from some connection cities for confirmed seats. I think I'd avoid any Oz options because they all go to Bali because it's cheap-unless cfd, and then you still pay for everything--bags, etc.
    You will find Bali a great choice!
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #5
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    Jun 2007
    I've not been to DPS although its relatively near for me, ma'am does that run once a month at least. I think KUL & SIN has the most connection to DPS, but would waste you quite a few hours compared to direct from ICN, seems like CX does only 1-2 flights per week. I would suggest ICN unless load is bad, in which case, I would suggest CX to KUL (3-4 flights a day) then LCC(or MH if you can) to DPS. LCC via KUL is a pain thou as the terminals are at different ends of the runway with no proper connectivity. Agree with mrs767er that you should avoid oz. My guess with LCC (using airasia) would prob cost you around US$80 1 way (after including surcharge for check-in bag, credit card for online booking, etc ,etc, not sure if they charge for seat belts)

    As usual, avoid the major holidays, chinese new year, easter, summer & winter school holidays, christmas etc.

    I think the weather there is sunny throughout the year.......

  • #6
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    Good point about holidays. Make sure you pay attention to Aussie one! They have what they call "schoolies" hitting Bali in droves (Spring breakers) at key times.
    Keep us posted.
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

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