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Thread: Zed on Silver Airways

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Zed on Silver Airways

    Good morning. I need to take a Silver Airways flight from FLL to ELH and have a conundrum. Can anyone confirm that Delta has an agreement with Silver, or has successfully non reved/Zed on Silver? Silver is not listed as one of the United Express carriers. I understand that there is a relationship with the old Colgan and Silver, but not sure of the legalities (changed name, absorbed by Gulfstream/Silver). I tried the Delta pass bureau and they weren't sure. Short of calling the Silver corporate headquarters, I don't know what to do. I am trying to book a house and can't book the house until I know for sure that the flight is an option.

    The flight I need is listed as Silver Airways d/b/a United Express.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Top Member
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    If it flies with a UA flight number and you have bennies with UA, I'd say you were good. JMO though.

  • #3
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    Well, it could be an AC/US codeshare with a UA flight number. That said, I can get into the information on SHARES like any other UA/UAX flight, so I'd say you should be good!
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

  • #4
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Eleuthera? Why not take Twin Air? Have you checked
    Matrix - ITA Software
    All I could see was when I used the destination tab, it sent me to UA. 3M airlines...curiouser and curiouser...what will we learn next?
    Last edited by mrs767er; 20-Feb-2013 at 04:50 PM.
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #5
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    Aug 2008
    First off, thank you thank you for your responses! I really appreciate it. I am actually deciding between Harbour Island or Nicaragua (I know, kinda random, but theres a method to my madness).

    I was hesitant about the Silver flight b/c it is a short jaunt with confirmed lodging required.

    The MGA (actually Rivas choice) is amazing but the hotel is new and being very inconsistent in booking.

    Thank you again!

  • #6
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smithlis View Post
    First off, thank you thank you for your responses! I really appreciate it. I am actually deciding between Harbour Island or Nicaragua (I know, kinda random, but theres a method to my madness).

    I was hesitant about the Silver flight b/c it is a short jaunt with confirmed lodging required.

    The MGA (actually Rivas choice) is amazing but the hotel is new and being very inconsistent in booking.

    Thank you again!
    I have no idea what MGA Rivas stuff means. Why not go from ATL to Bahamas DL then get to your destination? I don't understand the confirmed lodging issue with a zed ticket. I may be blonde...
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #7
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    Thanks for your comments Mrs. 767er. Since it is such a short vaca, I was trying to get to ELH in the early afternoon (1 ish) because we still need to take a boat to Harbour Island. ATL to FLL is wide open and the times worked so was the best option (except the whole 3M mystery). NAS is certainly an option. I didn't want to commit to renting a $$$ house or $$$ hotel room (nothing is refundable at this point) until I had a better sense of Zed on 3M. I'm gun shy as I have gotten stuck ID90ing on IB once so I try and make sure I can really Zed/ID90 before leaving.

    MGA is Managua. Rivas is a town about 90 minutes away and the resort provides transportation to/from the resort. MGA is a direct flight on DL so appealing and can leave on Sunday instead of Monday after my husband is done at 12:30 from his trip.Emerald Coast Nicaragua - Mukul Luxury Resort & Spa - Guacalito de la Isla Hotel
    Last edited by Migflanker; 21-Feb-2013 at 10:02 AM. Reason: added hotel link

  • #8
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    Smithlis, I fixed the link for you.
    I just glanced through their site, and that ‘s a glorious resort-- dare I even mention discounts?

    M7- definitely your kind of place
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #9
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Migflanker View Post
    Smithlis, I fixed the link for you.
    I just glanced through their site, and that ‘s a glorious resort-- dare I even mention discounts?

    M7- definitely your kind of place
    You are so spot on! Too bad the private pools at the beach villas aren't "private"
    GORJUS JOINT! Thanks for mentioning it (choose MGA, choose MGA...)
    I'd go there over Eleuthera ANY DAY! I'm requesting this one for
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #10
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    Decided on Mukul!!!!

    Somehow I will suffer through the 'non privacy issue', LOL. The rates are $$$, but no car needed, and food/drink is included until 5. They have been communicating a little better (although several hours have passed since I was ready to book and no response yet), and I confirmed that everything is open sans 2 of the spa rooms, so we are good to go. I wish the flights were 'wide open', but they're not bad and I will travel with back up Zeds. I will need help with the AA loads, unless there is a way to check. I know IdDeals doesn't track the AA flights.

    I hope it ends up on LL, but they are targeting the South American crowd and may not need discounts. They are a SLH designated hotel, do they ever end up on LL? Not sure...

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