Ok, so we're leaving out on Friday 5/31 from ATL-JFK to anywhere in Italy. We have a cruise to catch in Rome with two buddy passers (don't get me started) and are freaking out. The flights don't look that bad getting into Milan or Venice and then we'll catch a train to Rome.

That being said, we have to go from ATL-JFK-Milan or Venice or Nice since Rome is jam packed. What happens with our luggage? If we check it in ATL and it ends up in Milan and we end up in Venice......then what? Will they let us hold our luggage until we get to the gate? Will they hold our luggage at the gate in JFK for the buddy passers since I have to put their final destination as part of their listing? I thought about listing them for Rome so their luggage would end up there waiting for us but I'm pretty sure they won't let bags fly internationally without the owners flying with them.

Totally confused on this issue.

Also, if they do let us hold our luggage until the gate does that change the amount of liquids we can put in our checked luggage going through security?

Geez. Any help would be appreciated.
