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Thread: Multiple destinations posible on one zed ticket?

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Multiple destinations posible on one zed ticket?

    At the end of September we will be travelling from Rome to the US, probably on Delta. There are direct flights to Atlanta and JFK, with the Atlanta option slightly more expensive. If ticketed for ATL and flight is full, would that ticket probably be allowed for JFK, or do we need to buy both to have a backup? Thanks!

  • #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    You should be able to use the ATL zed for JFK but you may encounter an agent who is not familiar with zed rules and is unable/unwilling to ticket you. If it were me, I would have backups for both just in case. If your airline participates in electronic zeds, the purchase and refund process is quicker and easier than paper. DL also has a flight to DTW in addition to ATL & JFK.

  • #3
    NonRev Correspondent
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dalerocks View Post
    At the end of September we will be travelling from Rome to the US, probably on Delta. There are direct flights to Atlanta and JFK, with the Atlanta option slightly more expensive. If ticketed for ATL and flight is full, would that ticket probably be allowed for JFK, or do we need to buy both to have a backup? Thanks!
    I sent my folks on that very same route. Couldn't get out of FCO but the ZED MED covered the mileage to MXP(Alitalia). So they routed MXP-JFK.

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  • #4
    Junior Member
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    We travel non rev a lot and the problem with the ZEDS is the fare is calculated on a point to point to point basis.. So, the fare from JFK-LHR is less the JFK-AMS-LHR. just an example ...the ZED rules are pretty clear......the departure/arrival cities have to be "co located or within the same fare. You can go from AMS to CDG or AMS to FRA, etc on the same ZED ticket. As stated earlier, the ZED tickets are easy to do online, the refunding is fast and easy. As long as you have internet access, you can book what you need almost immediately.

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