It is getting closer and I am getting nervous! I have non-rev tickets on US Airways for mid October, leaving on a Tuesday to Rome, returning the following Tuesday (leaving from PHL, that was the recommended starting city). I need to stop looking online at the seating. I am making myself nervous! There are still empty seats, the day before is filling up a lot.

A US Airways FA told me to be flexible, if another airport in Italy looks good then just go there and take the train to Rome. Do you think that is a good idea?

Any other suggestions/ideas/ what to do in Rome/ how it was for you getting around? Anything you think would help I would appreciate!

Relax, repeat, Relax. I normally non-rev domestically. I have gone to Iceland, London and Montreal. Still makes me nervous going so far away!



P.S. The new place looks great! I had to make a new account since I could not remember my old name!