ok--30 yr old my nephew is running around Eu--hostels etc.
He started early June in Tel Aviv for a wedding, then Greece, some Italy, Budapest, Prague, Poland and Switzerland (he went berserk there--rafting, hang gliding, etc) and I think he's someplace, but not certain where!!
NOW--he want to know where next? (No interest in UK)
My hubby who likes BCN and med coast, said do that and end in Paris.
I loved Lisbon, but I suggested if that didn't thrill him to combine with spain/france--maybe Stockholm? Even tho it's $$, he does like the ladies...and boats and camping.
His married older sister told him to stay in Eu, find a rich woman and be a man-wh*re!!! Then she can visit. Such advice!
Anyone have faves to pass on?
He's on a pass I can change to depart any Delta flight any date before next July!! Slated to leave Aug 17 but I think he wants to stick around to the end of month.
Thanks--I know there are some adventurers with good ideas!