I just ran across this:
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness"
Mark Twain
I just ran across this:
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness"
Mark Twain
Randy - Nonrev Correspondent Chicago
Did you know that Mark Twain traveled through NICARAGUA on his way to NEW YORK from SAN FRANCISCO? He made mention of the volcano CONCEPCION on the island of OMETEPE, and the beautiful WOMEN of Nicaragua. Nicaragua was used alot for TRANS-ISTHMIAN travel, however, it was not developed in such a grand scale as that of the PANAMA CANAL. The main reason was due to the harsher volcanic terrain, hurricanes, and earthquakes Nicaragua was moreprone too. Betch ya didn't know that.
Hey Randy, here is another cool quote I read one time in a "Readers Digest" magazine. I don't recall the name of the person that quoted it, but it goes something like this.
"Far away places are not far when you are there."
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Randy:
I just ran across this:
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness"
Mark Twain
<a href="http://www.nonrev.net/correspondents/images/randy.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.nonrev.net/correspondents/images/randy.jpg</A>
I'm not surprised, I do remember reading about him traversing several countries in the equatorial region.
Another of my favorite quotes is one I can relate to.
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."
Mark Twain
Randy - Nonrev Correspondent Chicago
And I say..."The warmest summer I have ever spent was a winter in PANAMA, and GUAM.
[quote]Originally posted by Randy:
I'm not surprised, I do remember reading about him traversing several countries in the equatorial region.
Another of my favorite quotes is one I can relate to.
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."
Mark Twain
Mark Twain Description Of Ometepe During The Late 1800's
In January of 1867, Mark Twain visited Nicaragua using La Ruta del Transito for his transoceanic travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Cornelius Vandervilt was making millions operating his ferry boats in Lake Nicaragua and the two oceans during the gold rush in California.
"Out of the midst of beautiful Lake Nicaragua, spring two magnificent pyramids. Clad in the softest and richest green, all flecked with shadow and sunshine, whose summits pierce the billowy clouds. They look so isolated from the world and its turmoil, so tranquil, so dreamy, so sleeped in the slumber and eternal repose. What a home one might make among their shady forest, their sunny slopes, their breezy dells, after he had grown weary of the toil, anxiety and unrest of the bustling driving world"
"Desde el centro de el bello Lago de Nicaragua emergen dos magnificas piramides, arropadas por el mas suave y concentrado verdor, veteadas sus faldas de luces y sombras, sus cimas perforan las nubes. Se ven los volcanes tan aislados del mundo y su vertigo, tan tranquilo asi como estan, inmersos en suenos y en el eterno reposo. Que bella casa podria edificar uno, en sus sombreados bosques, en sus laderas banadas de sol, en sus aireadas canadas, despues de desgastarse por todo el trabajo, la ansiedad y el desasosiego de un mundo estrepitoso y agresivo"
From the book "Mark Twain Travels with Mr. Brown" January 1st, 1867
If anyone likes the wit and wisdom of Twain you can check out www.twainquotes.com
Randy - Nonrev Correspondent Chicago
If anyone like the wit and wisdom of Twain you can check out www.twainquotes.com
Randy - Nonrev Correspondent Chicago
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