If you've ever tried the hotel search here on The Nonrev Network and weren't too impressed with the prices, you may want to give it another chance. I've chaned the default sort method to "price" so that it automatically gives the best prices first. It was sorting by "value" and I'm not sure what our affiliate's criteria for that was.
Most of the time now the first prices served are very low.
There's one catch though. If you enter a city name with multipe locations like Birmingham, UK vs. Birmingham, AL you'll get a list to choose between the 2 cities. When you select the correct one it defaults back to "value" so you have to choose the "price" radio button at the top to have it resorted by price. You can avoid this by putting in the specific location initially. The form will take "City, State" or even "City, Country" or the codes like "Birmingham, AL" or "Birmingham, UK".
Always check the top of the list to observe the sort option. You can change at any time. Where it says "Sort Your Special Internet Rate by" you can select between "Best Value", "Quality", "Price", and "A-Z".