So i've never had to have a ticket re-endorsed until the other night.

I had a ZED ticket closed to QF, which stated valid all ZED carriers. I chose not to get a oneworld tkt as I wanted the ability to take EK as well as QF or BA, even if this lowered by priority somewhat.

I've never had this issue before, and travel this route once a month. But i get to the counter and say if I can't take QF i'd be happy with BA. Then the supervisor (who actually works for the airline not GHA) says i'd need to get my ticket endorsed by CX to do that.

Since when has this been the case? I asked him if BA was no longer a ZED carrier and just got a bemused look.

The carrier box has to be closed to someone... can it be closed to YY?

What happens if i'm in an outstation where there is no CX operation, how do I endorse a ticket?

Any advice anyone... AAZED?