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Thread: Chocolates -- who to give them to?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Chocolates -- who to give them to?

    I see the occasional reference to bringing chocolates to crew members when you are flying non-rev. But who gets them -- gate agents? FA who greets you when you board? Bring enough for the pilots? What do you say to them? How much chocolate should you bring on an international flight? I'll be non-revving internationally soon and don't want to commit a faux pas.

  • #2
    Member flassher's Avatar
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    To be quite honest I doubt giving chocolates to ANY agent will make a difference.
    The receiving agent could be in a lot of trouble if it was discovered that the agent did something they should not have done because they got a box of chocolate!
    How would you feel if you saw a non-rev give a chocolate bribe and got on a flight/upgrade before you when you know you had a higher priority??
    To be honest i think it is a rediculous idea!!

  • #3
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    I see no harm in providing the crew a few treats on arrival. I seriously doubt you''ll get upgraded, but maybe...graft works in mysterious ways.
    I wouldn't count on a gate agent to do anything--that's a bit on the iffy side of policy in most cases. Certainly not to bypass anyone else' priority. I don't think the OP was suggesting that at all, flassher.
    I would always look for the senior purser or team leader(DL) and offer a nice quantity of sharable chocolates, like Hershey miniatures--maybe a bag each front and aft?
    At least you will be remembered for your thoughtfulness.
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

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  • #4
    Member flassher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrs767er View Post
    I would always look for the senior purser or team leader(DL) and offer a nice quantity of sharable chocolates, like Hershey miniatures--maybe a bag each front and aft?
    At least you will be remembered for your thoughtfulness.
    Love it!!.....I can just see a flight with several non-revs queing up to board all with a box of chocolates or similar under their arms.....and then a member of the crew walking through the plane with an arm full of chocolates heading fo the galley......non-revs are meant to blend in with other passengers are they not??

    Just brought a smile to my face thinking of that scenerio....Cheers.

    On a serious note.....with airline security as it is...would you eat something given to you by a stranger on a plane....would you know what was in the chocolate....would you want the pilots to eat something from a stranger whilst flying.....I would imagine international crews would be very wary......
    Last edited by flassher; 25-Aug-2010 at 04:32 PM.

  • #5
    NonRev Correspondent vulindlela's Avatar
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    I do not knock anyone for trying it but I would not do it.
    As an F/A, I never did like the nonrevs who thought they deserved something for free, whether it was done subtly or outright.
    The usual was to come on board flashing a badge with the hopes of getting some comp. alcohol. I was more than happy to comp nonrevs but not when they demanded it.
    Vulindlela - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Indianapolis

  • #6
    Member harry.farmer's Avatar
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    Whenever I nonrev I always take treats for the crews. It is a thank you and nothing more than that. I often wait until we are in the air, and take the treats to the back galley. It is great to see the smile on the face of the crew who is working hard to help you get to where you are going.

    Most of the time crews never get a good thank you from anyone... so I take it upon myself to say thanks for the ride.

  • #7
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flassher View Post
    Love it!!.....I can just see a flight with several non-revs queing up to board all with a box of chocolates or similar under their arms.....and then a member of the crew walking through the plane with an arm full of chocolates heading fo the galley......non-revs are meant to blend in with other passengers are they not??

    Just brought a smile to my face thinking of that scenerio....Cheers.

    On a serious note.....with airline security as it is...would you eat something given to you by a stranger on a plane....would you know what was in the chocolate....would you want the pilots to eat something from a stranger whilst flying.....I would imagine international crews would be very wary......
    I typed my words unwsiely--I should not have written "always" as I have never done that myself--I meant that IF someone wanted to that they should go the lead or purser (I did say a bag--as indicating a sealed retail bag of commercial individually wrapped little chocolate bars--you don't have a Cadbury version??) I have to say, I see the gesture often, perhaps the crew throws them away or eats them at the hotel....Thye have a galley fulll of goodies and from the size of some FA's--I don't think they throw them out!! Now, that's a scenario I just adore..and not w/a smile on my face!!

    I do take treats when I am flying with my husband's crew. ALL THE TIME. I'm a great baker and confectioner and have yet to poison anyone!! (that I am aware...)
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

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  • #8
    NonRev Correspondent Nick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flassher View Post
    non-revs are meant to blend in with other passengers are they not??
    Not so much in the US as in Australia and Asia where wearing your badge or telling anyone you work for the airline is considered sacrilegious. In the US it seemed that everyone liked to wear their badges and/or company material and/or uniforms etc. and that was totally acceptable...
    Nick - NonRev Correspondent - Singapore

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  • #9
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's strange really... people gripe about the airline industry all the time, but if you mention it to someone outside the airport it's suddenly the coolest thing ever. I wore mine most of the day today after training, as did everyone else in the hotel area. Gives occasion to give "the nod" :P
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

  • #10
    Member flassher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry.farmer View Post
    Whenever I nonrev I always take treats for the crews. It is a thank you and nothing more than that. I often wait until we are in the air, and take the treats to the back galley. It is great to see the smile on the face of the crew who is working hard to help you get to where you are going.

    Most of the time crews never get a good thank you from anyone... so I take it upon myself to say thanks for the ride.
    And when you look out of the aircraft window whilst still on the ground, do you see the hard working mechanics, baggage handlers etc working away in the heat, the freezing cold or the driving rain??? Poor buggers get nothing so why the crew if it's not a little "bribe"......Cheers.

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