We were talking about Diego Garcia the other day with some co-workers that were Navy stationed there, or pulling TDY. I was there as a miitary contractor on board vessels. One of which you can see in the picture (the left ship) of this news article. I had never seen a shark while out there, but I did see BARACUDA in those waters often. Then I did a search on shark attacks in Diego Garcia only to learn that there was a fatal shark attack there in July of this year killing a Navy contract worker. Holy cow. We all swam in those waters and apparantly this attack must have happened inside the lagoon where swimming is allowed. Swimming was not allowed on the ocean side. I've crossed the lagoon on a little motor boat, no bigger than a rowing canoe. Lots of things that bite out in the Indian Ocean. Here is that news article......beautiful snorkeling but just goes to show, you at the wrong time and place, you becometh fish food...... Fatal shark attack keeps Diego Garcia sailors out of the water - Pacific - Stripes