I see nobody has metioned the Malaysian missing B777 here, for whatever but here is my take.

I think it's been hijacked and landed somewhere. I intially thought N.Korea. I figured it must be state sponsored. And I still think its a possibility. I don't believe it crashed in the ocean. It's being held in some hanger and all passangers are being detained. Initially I figured it could be packed with explosives as suggested reported by fox news and used as a weapon. I think the news as this stage is feeding us misinformation because that is the misinformation they are getting. It wouldn't surprise me if they are taking a hard look at land based areas that can support a B-777 runway with hiding capabilities. That is why I say N.Korea was a great place to hide this plane. Totally off limits to everyone and the pax can all pass for Chinese but maybe infiltrated by N. Koreans. That huge ARC they keep talking about.....forget that arc. That is misleading us.