(Possibly this is posted in the wrong category; I'm a newbie here, and if I got it wrong hopefully a moderator will fix it. Apologies in advance if that's the case).

I've done a bunch of non-rev travel, but mostly domestic. I'm trying to assemble a trip BOS <--> AKL for next spring. When I plug the route into ID90, I get BOS-->CLE-->ORD-->HNL-->AKL; doable, but every leg is on another line, so I'll be at the bottom of the pecking order; four chances to get stranded. I can get to HNL on my own line. But when I enter HNL-->AKL, it won't offer me the direct HNL-->AKL that shows up on the first route - it wants to route me through SYD. Any idea what might be going on? The HNL-->AKL leg is on HA, but when I try to enter HNL-->AKL with only HA selected, it tells me no flights found.

(BTW, I tried on myTravelID, but as 'parent of', I don't qualify for any of the lines that list there.)
