Greetings fellow Interliners! In the near future, I may be trying to non rev frequently to India and the middle east. I have only every used ZEDS on Lufthansa and my experience was great. I am a bit more leery of ZEDS in the far off lands, due to language barriers etc. Any insights? AA does not have ZEDS on Emirates, unfortunately, so I would try to use Qatar pretty frequently, if it works. Anyone used them non rev? Are the processes very different? An example of what I would try to do:
The PHL-DOH should be pretty straight forward, it's the connection that I am wondering about. Is it required to exit the secured area, re check in with the Ticketing desk and then re-enter for the connecting flight?
I can share that with Lufthansa, in FRA it was pretty easy, they had kiosks right before security and I just inputted my confirmation number and voila- boarding pass (without a seat). In Rome, you would have to exit the secure area and go to ticketing to get a boarding pass.
Basically the same concerns leaving. How difficult is it as a non rev? Are the staff used to ZEDS? A lot of places won't clear you until the last minute, is this pretty common in the middle east and India?
Any comments on India, the ME or Asia would be very helpful. Thanks very much!