Forum members may now access the Nonrev Travel Articles via the "Articles" link in the dark blue navigation bar at the top of the community pages.

All the articles from the old site have now been transferred onto the new site. There are also two new articles, Lima and Guatemala. A few trip reports from forum posts have been added and enhanced with links to accompanying photo galleries.

Nonrev travel articles are written by our very own "Nonrev Correspondents". Correspondents are long-time members of The Nonrev Network who provide valuable assistance to their fellow interline travelers via The Nonrev Forum and through travel articles about their own personal travels.

The new articles section has many enhanced features. It was a static area on the former site but now forum members can interact by commenting on the article and rating it with 1-5 stars. Whenever a Correspondent submits a new article a forum post is automatically generated for coments and questions and a convenient link is placed at the bottom of the article.

In the past, articles had to be submitted to the webmaster who mannually built each page. Now the Correspondents are a special user-group within the community with complete authority to publish their own articles at will.

We may solicit other active forum participants who contribute quality trip reports via the blogs and gallery to become Correspondents. We hope that as the network grows, we'll be able to obtain sponsors for trips that will provide accommodations for Correspondents who report on their travels.

Currently there are 10 Correspondents and the title is displayed in the left margin of all of their posts.

Their usernames are:

Fly without reservation
Paul Rowsey

They represent various locations and airlines from around the globe. You can view their profiles for more information.