It is great to be able to log into your employer non-rev website to check seat availability, the number of non-rev travelers and your position on the priority list - but it all ends when you fly ZED or ID90. Has anyone researched publically available websites to determine, at a minimum, seat availability or any other useful information?

Recently I had to make a choice to fly ZED on UA or ID90 on CO from IAH to ORD and I had no idea what the situation was with either carrier. At least on CO I was able to look at seat availability (not the standby list) on their commercial site but I could not on UA unless I booked a seat.

So what are the best ways that frequent interline travelers have found to get an upper hands in the non-rev lottery? Perhaps we can share what we have learned.

And a quick question, are revenue PAX oversales included in the total confirmed passenger totals or are they above the confirmed confirmed passenger totals?
