The plan was simple
Set out at the crack of dawn, have lunch in Phoenix and dinner in Tucson.
--- estimated "pulling in the driveway time" -- late afternoon.
The reality ---
Set out at the crack of dawn, run into fog, a detour caused by a jack-knifed semi, get stuck behind a motorcycle charity ride, have lunch at a rest stop on the I-10, stop at a "please can we see the ostriches....PLEASE PLEASE" farm and dodge construction barrels and barricades of a interstate widening project.
--- "pulling in the driveway time"-- after midnight.
Directions ---
When it comes to giving directions the world is divided into two types of people, those that can give directions and those who can't. Trust me, if you're ever given directions that use the phrases
"about a mile maybe two", "right turn at the gas station/McDonald's" and the ever prophetic "don't worry you can't miss it", immediately add hours to your arrival time and print out MapQuest, because this "latter day Sacajawa" has no concept of distance, doesn't know his right from his left and has only seen their "can't miss it landmak" at high noon on a sunny day.
Additional piece of advice --- Never try to read MapQuest directions from the bottom up, because transposing rights to lefts is not as easy as you think and never ends well.![]()
Next --- The Mall & #22.