I know there's a whole bunch of you Delta peeps out there who can probably help me out...

After our grand tour of Italy in June we swore off traveling for the rest of the year (hardy har har). Being the lovely wife that I am though, I got my other half some tickets to a show that's at Masquerade on North Ave in Atlanta. The show is on 5Sep, so we'll probably either come in on the 4th or 5th and leave on the 6th, flying YHZ-YYZ-ATL.

I am having troubles figuring out where to stay at a decent rate, since I've already blown the travel budget for the year in Italia. Any tips or tricks on where to find a decent interline rate? If I can't find something for $100/nt, I think we'll have to limit to 1 night stay. Which would suck, but hey better than nothing right?

Any other tips you have regarding the city would be awesome as well. Your help is greatly appreciated Thanks!