That's how UA is, at least. They'll try to keep you with your bags, but it's also not set in stone. When I flew rev on UA for spring break almost 4 years ago (before being an employee and flying free was a mere thought) I tried to get an earlier flight from DEN-MSP after flying HNL-SFO-DEN, but wasn't able to because I had checked bags. Didn't matter that I only lived a few miles away from the airport and could go back to get my bags when my original flight arrived; I still had to wait in DEN for a few hours.
On the other hand, I got done with training in DEN last week. I was hoping for a longer layover in ORD so I could meet my mom there and have pizza downtown, so I tried to stand by for an earlier flight at the check-in kiosk. The machine said that there were no earlier flights for me to stand by for, so I just took my boarding pass and went through security. I went to a gate agent that wasn't busy with other customers, explained my situation, and he didn't give a second thought about listing me for an earlier flight (and I told him I had checked bags). Probably helps that I'm an employee, though. IROPS also come into play a bit, and if a bag has to fly before the passenger for some reason, then so be it.
I also do baggage handling at my station. We don't do any extra checking when loading, but we do keep track of who's at the airport and would notice pretty quickly if someone didn't board. Then again, we only have 3 departures a day (2 on Sundays) for the airport, so that's easier to get away with.