Well gang, the bone infection in my thumb has reared it's ugly head once more. I just canceled our flight listings to Bali and it's not a good day. Boss called me on his way to LGA to have me check him in online and I blurted it out--it just "blew up" today. I ended 6 wks of IV therapy 4 wks ago and this damned thing just doesn't want to be cured. The original prognosis was possible partial amputation (at the first joint, including the nail and nailbed) and I am so scared that it will happen. It's my right thumb and guess what?--yep, it's my dominant hand. I'm pretty good with my left (former dental assistant--very ambidextrous except for writing). I'm pretty shaken and looks like I won't have a trip report in the near future. In the coming weeks, I'll do my best to share links and such and I will check loads as needed for you folks who travel on DL.