So... I count the following embargoes so far, anyone else have any more?
QF - All northbound flights ex Australia to LHR/FRA via SIN/BKK/HKG (Southbound is apparently OK, and they mention they will attempt to upload people MEL/SYD - SIN/HKG/BKK but past that point is a no)
NZ - To/from LHR
9W - UK/Europe/Nth America
CX - Ex LHR except for CX staff returning to bases
SW - Namibia to Germany v.v.
SN - All flights
LO - All flights
KL - All flights until at least 24 Apr
And the following recommendations against travel, but no embargo
AB (Expects not to have room to Spain until at least 25th, and intercontinental until 2 weeks)