Hello All,
I just got some great news!! My husband will be working in Singapore from Oct 19th through November 17th and I've rearranged (read ruined) my schedule so I can join him. Since he is traveling for business he will have the luxury of holding a business class ticket, most likely on Cathay, UAL or Singapore out of SFO.
I on the other hand, will be traveling on a ZED ticket and have far fewer options to choose from. My options are CI, CO, BR, KE, NW, US and UA. I am an FA and can jumpseat myself to pretty much any city in the US in order to get there but I am ideally hoping to maybe get on the same flights as my husband. Which leaves him w/ UA out of SFO or ORD.
That said if anyone has suggestions on the best way to get to SIN from the the states I am all ears.
Also just a general idea of what I can expect traveling on a ZED ticket international would be good info to have as well.
I recently traveled w/ a ZED ticket to LIH on UA from DEN and had the luck of sitting first class and then had premium coach on the way back. It was fantastic. It made the 6hr flight go by so quickly. Definitely more appealing then traveling coach (although any seat is a good seat, it is great when gate agents look out for us fellow industry grunts.
Any ideas as to which airlines are more likely to upgrade than others. I've flown AA and US both and never had the luxury of an upgrade. Instead I have the luck of getting the middle seat next to MR. Forgot to shower this morning while enjoying the view of the empty seats up front. But we've all been there.
I know it is a little early to be looking at numbers but if anyone could give me loads for the UA flights to SIN on October 19th out of SFO and ORD (I think SFO connects in NRT and ORD connects in HKG) I would really really appreciate it.
Also since nonrevving is always a crapshoot I have suggested my husband take whichever flight sounds better. So which would you take business class? Cathay? United? Or Singapore? ..... if only......