Well...I almost had a job. I filled out the application, the personality test, and the ten year background check. I had a phone interview where I was able to ask how the hiring process works. The lady said that it went phone interview, face to face interview, drug test and other prehire requirement test (I think that means a physical fitness type test), and if you made it that far you were assigned a training class. I figured that if I could pass the phone interview then I would have a job. We talked for a few minutes during the phone interview and after she said that she really wanted me to do a face to face interview. I was ecstatic, I figured that I was back in the airline business. About a minute later she comes back on and says that she does not have any appointments available at this time.

WHAT? What do you mean no more appointments? Dejectedly I ask what the next step would be. She said just to wait for a phone call. I asked if they ranked candidates for the job, and she said that they had a system that did that. I asked where I was at in this ranking, and she said that she couldn't say exactly. I asked a couple of question and each time she said "As soon as an interview opens that you will get a phone call". She said this in response to my questions, each time stressing the word will.

So I wonder if she was just getting rid of me, or if she really knew something. Does anyone know how the third party hiring company works?