I try to stay away from travel in the summer. Why? Kids are out of school and parents take kids with them on summer vacations. Fall and Winter are all MINE! Spring is ok travel, but you have to watch SPRING BREAK. Also, it depends on where you go. If you go to Philippines, you won't make it there or back in February. Why? The Philippines is a Catholic country and they heavily celebrate Easter, Good Friday and most students, travelers, like to go in February. Going to Central America is kind of a lot like travel in the U.S. because a lot of students from Central America come to study in the USA. Also, kids are out of school in those countries in Dec, Jan Feb. Reverse from our travel times, but they don't usually travel around like we do in the states. They are mostly confined to their local beaches and other areas in their country. Best thing you can do is check the flights down to the last few hours or so and then make your educated estimate if you can make it or not.