I was over at a friends and showing them The Nonrev Network. The 3 boxes across the bottom of the photo of the home page (site home page not forum) were messed up. The third box, the one on the far right was wrapping and displaying below the other 2. I think I know why this is happening. They had Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 ( MS IE 6).
I don't have a lab with multiple computers that have multiple browsers with different combinations of operating systems and will not be able to ensure perfect display with them all but do need to get the majors displaying correctly.
I could use some feedback from you if you're using IE 6 and any others that see pages that are not displaying correctly. If you are on a Macintosh, I'd like to know if all is well or not on your display.
If you have IE 6, here's how you can tell what version you have:
1. Up at the top look for the small text links - File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help.
2. Select "Help" / "About Internet Explorer" and then look for "version".
Please reply if you're using IE 6 and have time to look at the home page for me now and after I try some fixes.