Looking at the flights out of CDG on the 27th and I can see what you mean Mrs767er.....the oversold situation is getting worse to ATL now -31 and -21. Will the oversold YC will just keep rolling over to the next flight in YC and not affect C? If that is the case then NRSAs do have a chance so long as the number of STBY desiring seats not exceed the C availability. Now, another possibility is that the oversold seat situation will firm up prior to the flight departure and actually not be such a grim picture. I hope my sense of logic and past experience from working domestic flights also applies for international flights......They haven't even left yet but their trip will be a "living nightmare" for me until they make it home....gee...I don't even get to experience their "fun" moments!!! I will pass on the information on hotels by the airport suggested by forum members just in case they get bumped.