The African spanish enclaves are Ceuta and Mellila (spelling?). that's all I know about them. We did Morocco in 96 (wifey & me), and loved it, about 2 weeks w. rental car. Agree about Casa. We loved Fes, Meknes, and Marrakesh, and most of all our excursion way down to Zagora, with an overnight camel trek in to the desert from there, our first taste of the Sahara (we have done foot treks in Mauritania, Mali, and Niger since then). In Marocco, also the drivbes in a couplke of river valleys (like the Draa) were beaujtiful.

Spongebue, you mentioined Valladolid..that's the city in the Yucatan, right? That's how far east we went on our camping trip into Mexico winter before last..didn't forge on to Cancun, turned back toward Chiapas, Oaxaca, and back up through the center (Puebla, Teotihuacan, Queretaro, Guanajato, San Miguel, Saltillo...) after that. We loved our day in Valledolid, and swimming in the Cenote just outside, and the all-yellow town idf Izamal.

Going back with our camper van 2 months this winter, with three weeks (w. Spanish lessons) in Oaxaca, which stole our hearts away. Probably will not get back to Valledolid, though. Starting about Jan 15. Still looking for fellow campers (anyone interested?), but will go in any case.

D'uh!! Just realized you are probably referring to Valladolid in Spain. Sorry.