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Thread: Need help getting to Ritterhude, Germany From USA

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2014

    Default Need help getting to Ritterhude, Germany From USA

    Hello, I have just started with a company(fedex) that from what I understand I can fly nonrev thru. I have never flown stand by so I can use some help on few things.

    I live in da U.P. of Michigan and I could fly out of ESC or MQT,I think they fly to Chicago and Detroit. Another Option I can drive to Green Bay WI or Milwaukee WI.

    My Mother is born and raised in Germany so half my family is over there. She has been home I would think less then 10 times in the last 30 some years.

    My wife and I would like to take her home using nonrev middle of May 2015...15 months from now.

    What would be our best bet for 3 seats to Germany? Our goal is Ritterhude Gemany but is fine if we have to train it from Amsterdam or Frankfurt. I would like to be able to spend few days in Amsterdam on the return trip also.

    I hope to be able to fly stand by a couple times before then, one of them being Jamaica. I will be making a post with for the most part the same questions but flying to Montego Bay and Kingston Jamaica. If you have any advice for there also please let me know.


  • #2
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    You guys get ID75 discounts on most (if not all) airlines with which you have an agreement, right? As in, 75% off full fare? Full fare (I'm not talking about what you find on Kayak, I mean the most expensive ticket possible on an economy seat) is very expensive, and even with your discount it may still cost more than you'd think. And you're still not guaranteed to get on (on the bright side, tickets are flexible). I would honestly advise you to find out exactly how much it will cost to go confirmed vs. standby and decide if it's really worth not knowing if you'll get on.

    And a more general rule of thumb that applies to even nonrevs flying on their own airline: Places you want to go, like Hawaii, New York on NYE, Las Vegas, Caribbean, Europe in summer... other people want to go there, too. And when that happens, flights are going to fill up. You really have to get used to travelling in the off-season and taking weird routes (which will probably cost even more on an ID75).

    By the way, just to give you a ballpark number, I looked up base fare CMX-ORD-FRA on UA. Full Y is $2859. 75% off of that is $714.75. Double that, and that's what you'd pay round trip for the fare alone. But there are also departure taxes, which cost a pretty penny, even when we fly our own airlines (FRA is one of the worst, I think around $150?) and when money is involved, it's even higher yet.

    Sorry if your hopes and dreams came crashing down here, but it's VERY easy to get your head in the clouds when you first hear about nonrevving, and some people need a bit of a reality check pretty quickly
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

  • #3
    NonRev Correspondent
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    Also, verify with FEDEX how long you need to work with them before being able to travel (sometimes 6 months) and who can travel, your parents might not have benifits on any/all airlines.
    I think you get better benifits with Delta but again, you need to review your travel program. Also, due to weather this time of year is much easier to get to/from Europe than summer time, May is iffy as people try to nonrev before the summer crowds start.

    Post back with what your flight benifits will be and it will help with figuring things out.

  • #4
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    Great advice from the guys. Spongebue touched on several key points. And as offraoder said, keep us posted and we'll all do our best to assist. Gotta be pretty chilly in the UP right now! We're freezing in KY...
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #5
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    I know how yoopers are, being from the Midwest myself. -60F is a little chilly, anything above is fine.

    By the way, we'll be at about 60 ABOVE 0 in DEN tomorrow
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

  • #6
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    LA, the city of angels & freeways
    Quote Originally Posted by spongebue View Post
    By the way, we'll be at about 60 ABOVE 0 in DEN tomorrow
    60 degrees- why that's our nighttime temperature, will be in the 80's this week-end. Got to find my sunglasses.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #7
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    I thought they were Oopers?? My brother went to Michigan Tech for forestry before switching to medical school . The locals called the students "TOOTS" Tech out of towner's. We're getting some good temps tomorrow, too--just enuff to melt a bit of the mess.
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

  • #8
    Member harry.farmer's Avatar
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    It is freezing here in Calgary, Alberta. We have had temperatures as low as -34*F and for days on end.... Not enjoying this at all.... You know it is cold when they say the temperature are warming up to a daytime high of -25*F.

  • #9
    Junior Member
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    Thank you everyone. It is 6 months till I qualify, not sure if they will even talk about it till then but I will try on Tuesday to talk with someone. I am going on 4 so wont be long.

    As far as the weather I am sick of it,lol, think we have had 40 some days below 0. 13 out right now, gunna be in the teens till Monday then for a few days might get close to 30...shorts weather

    Yup I am a Yooper (you-per) Here's a basic run down of the U.P. (upper peninsula) and Yoopers I came across on FB today. What in the World is a Yooper? - by Aine MacDermot - Newsvine

    Thanks again and when I find out more I will post

  • #10
    Top Member
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    Hey, how are the pasties up there lately?

  • >

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