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Thread: Milan in May your thoughts??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Milan in May your thoughts??

    Hey everyone,
    Thinking about traveling US to Milan around the first week of May. Have pass agreements with Alitalia, Delta and Lufthansa among others. Able to travel out of Miami, Atlanta or JFK. Any thoughts on airlines, days of week, specific flights are greatly appreciated. Things to do there also helpful....probably day trip to Venice. Thanks for all the help.

  • #2
    NonRev Correspondent
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    MXP in May is usually nice. I stay mainly inside the circle (Viale Umbria, Renato Serra) in the Garibaldi Station area. I feel so more relaxed in MXP than FCO. Then again FCO is more of a NY feel where Milan is Philly.

  • #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    As usual, plans change. Still trying to go to Milan, but now thinking toward the end of May. Probably leaving midweek around the 20th and returning mid week next week around the 27th. Again, options include Alitalia, Delta, Lufthansa and USairways as far as pass agreements. Hotels in Milan look reasonable for that week. Just trying to figure out if flights would be possible. Thanks...

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