Being somewhat training consisting of about how 5 different people do
During this time...I have had to deal w/the FAA 5 times....3 times at the counter, twice off of planes.
Miraculously, I have asked for ID and followed procedure each time...although noboby spelt this out to me!
Yesterday, when picking up a shift...we had a pax not hear the announcements and board. I was then told, had she checked bags...and had we sent them w/o her....this would have been big trouble! Had she been FAA...BIGGER TROUBLE!
At this point.....the only fine I had been warned about was leaving handwritten bag tags at the counter....NOW I am told that the FAA likes to "jump counter" by just saying FAA and not showing ID, likes to get behind the wing w/one of 2 possible ID's...only one allowing it...and back to this bag situation...they like to check in early and disappear...resulting in a $11,000 fine per bag (if sent w/o them), the employee being individually liable? (This baffles me, as we work as a team from counter to security to plane)
Is this what happens? Opinions? Personal stories?