If you lost your flight priveledges tomorrow, what would you do to compensate for your lost travel? Would you look for a job that maybe paid more so you could afford tickets? Would you look for work in the travel industry such as perhaps GREYHOUND, AMTRAC? Would that sort of travel make up for lost travel bennies from the airlines? I was thinking, while in NYC, I noticed that some people had free passes for subways. I don't know if these guys worked security for the subways, or what, but in a smaller scale, free travel bennies riding the subway system in NYC would be quite a neat thing. You can about go all the way to New Haven Connecticut and all of Long Island on these metro cars. You could see a whole lot of things. The vicinity is huge with lots of things to do. Want to go to Manhattan? Just zip your card and wave the fare. Wanna go see the Yankees, no problem. Wanna get a pizza in Brooklyn? No problem. Ok, so it may get old, but you can move around in a city where the fare each way runs 2 bucks. That's 4 bucks round trip. Imagine that? A non-rev subway rider. Probably get free access to the LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD and good discounts on AMTRAC and BUSES in the area. Maybe it wouldn't ease the pain of having lost flight priveledges, but it sure would make it an interesting and different transition. That is, if you wish to be in the NYC area.