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Thread: Attenntion all airline collegues and co workers buddy passes needed and will purchase

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Attenntion all airline collegues and co workers buddy passes needed and will purchase

    Ok so I know this sounds complete shot in the dark but I am going to put it out there anyways, I am trying to find one or multiple airline employees who are willing to spare a few buddy passes. I need 10-14 of them. I know its a shot in the dark, but I want to try anyways, my family is flying to HAWAII from Lax or any CA airport, we are taking my sister who has been fighting Multiple Sclerosis for 30 years plus ( her husband and her will buy their tickets), it has always been a dream of hers to go, and we want to as a family take her. Her health has really taken a turn for the worst and we want to be able to share this before she can not . I am also surprising everyone with a wedding. So just taking a shot in the dark. My nieces and nephews and family have all traveled on my passes in the past and is very well educated on pass travel. so if a few of you kind folks can help another airline rep out, you will make a lot of people happy .. unfortunately my airline does not fly to hawaii.. and yes i am fully aware of the non rev nightmares in and out, but I am still putting it out there..

    they are willing to provide some financial assistance to whom ever or any one that can step up .. 10 is more likely, but I am aiming high instead of low.

    But on the flip side, if anyone hears of cheap fare wars between now and then please keep me informed. God bless you and thank you ..

  • #2
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    LA, the city of angels & freeways
    Welcome aboard Nacho40

    As you probably know, the selling, bartering or trading of passes is frowned upon at most airlines. I doubt you’ll get any takers here. But I will keep my ears open regarding discount Hawaii fares.

    And while I understand your anxiousness, cross posting adds unnecessary clutter to the Forum. I have deleted your second identical post.

    Last edited by Migflanker; 21-Mar-2013 at 11:01 AM.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #3
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    With all due respect, this probably won't happen. For one thing, Hawaii is a VERY difficult destination for nonrevs going standby, especially those on buddy passes. Especially if you're asking for 10-14 passes. I'm assuming that means 5-7 people? Ouch. For another, as employees we are liable for our buddy pass travelers. In other words, if you don't get on a flight and whine and complain to the gate agent, or other things not following NRSA etiquette, we the employees can lose our flight privileges, or possibly worse depending on how bad it is. Not something most people would trust to a complete stranger. Finally, the number of passes you're asking for is a LOT considering how many most airlines get. To give you a rough idea, I know that US Airways employees get 16 one-way passes per year, which can include connections if necessary. United employees get 24 segments. If you took a nonstop flight, 10-14 flights about half of what we get in a year. With a connection would be almost everything we get, maybe even more.

    I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking of, but I'd REALLY suggest to get cracking on searching. Your odds are approximately 0. Usually about 3-6 weeks in advance is the prime time to buy for price, but sometimes it's also good earlier. Go to, and play around with dates (use the flexible dates option to look at +/- 3 days) and try flexibility in airports (LAX also has ONT, BUR, SNA, LGB, and maybe SAN. SFO has OAK and SJC... you get the idea). Also, I think Allegiant has started service to HNL a while back. They upcharge you on every little thing, but the fares themselves can be pretty cheap. They also may not show up in Kayak or what have you, so try their website separately. Check those cities out: Honolulu International Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

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  • #4
    Winner! mrs767er's Avatar
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    I believe you need to rethink the "reunion" and let your sister go to Hawaii with her husband. If you can arrange for all the others to get together either before or after and you can spring a surprise wedding on them at the same time, good for you.
    If not, make this about your sister, not you. She's had 30 yrs of tough medical issues. If you can find some good fares, have a great time. I seriously doubt you can get any action here, nor any similar site.
    mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel

    Wherever you go, there you are

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  • #5
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    I knew it was a shot in dark but then again a co-worker of mine was able to some how get 22 passes from all the airlines and have his wedding in Maui, so A for effort on his part. Just thought I would try . As for forgetting about the reunion and letting her go w her husband . NOT! And if she is declining in her health I want her to be there and in my wedding .

    We decided to charter a jet and fly private . Thanks again guys and aloha

  • #6
    NonRev Correspondent
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by spongebue View Post
    With all due respect, this probably won't happen. For one thing, Hawaii is a VERY difficult destination for nonrevs going standby, especially those on buddy passes. Especially if you're asking for 10-14 passes. I'm assuming that means 5-7 people? Ouch. For another, as employees we are liable for our buddy pass travelers. In other words, if you don't get on a flight and whine and complain to the gate agent, or other things not following NRSA etiquette, we the employees can lose our flight privileges, or possibly worse depending on how bad it is. Not something most people would trust to a complete stranger. Finally, the number of passes you're asking for is a LOT considering how many most airlines get. To give you a rough idea, I know that US Airways employees get 16 one-way passes per year, which can include connections if necessary. United employees get 24 segments. If you took a nonstop flight, 10-14 flights about half of what we get in a year. With a connection would be almost everything we get, maybe even more.

    I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking of, but I'd REALLY suggest to get cracking on searching. Your odds are approximately 0. Usually about 3-6 weeks in advance is the prime time to buy for price, but sometimes it's also good earlier. Go to, and play around with dates (use the flexible dates option to look at +/- 3 days) and try flexibility in airports (LAX also has ONT, BUR, SNA, LGB, and maybe SAN. SFO has OAK and SJC... you get the idea). Also, I think Allegiant has started service to HNL a while back. They upcharge you on every little thing, but the fares themselves can be pretty cheap. They also may not show up in Kayak or what have you, so try their website separately. Check those cities out: Honolulu International Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The best option is to go Allegiant from either FAT or SMX for the least load factor. Sponge is correct. How important is this trip for you? VERY RISKY to HNL/OGG. Buy a ticket and be done with it.

  • #7
    Top Member
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    Allegiant? That's a good tip.

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