Hello, long time no post. I actually forgot my password, and finally got off my duff to email for it back. Was in DETROIT a month ago. Took the old lady to a HOCKEY GAME to see the Red Wings play at the JOE LOUIS ARENA. Got to see MOTOWN museum in Grand Blvd, and the HENRY FORD museum at Greenwich village in Dearborn. Very very impressive. The fee cost 8 bucks for Motown, 14 dollars for the Henry Ford museum, 44 dollars for the Red Wings game. We made it to the other side of the river and went into Canada at WINDSOR. Check out www.windsorcasino.com This was a very nice place to hang out for the half a day or so. They have excellent buffet style food, desserts that will drive you out of your wits. We stayed at the HYATT at FAIRLANE TOWNCENTER in DEARBORN, and its right there near the mall if you like that kind of stuff. Dearborn itself has alot of restaurants and good eating places. I used THRIFTY rental car. I found them to be the cheapest, but definately, no fancy wheels. Cost me 104 dollars for three days. When you come up from Canada via the tunnel, and you come to the U.S. side, right to your left, there is the MARITIME SAILORS CATHEDRAL. Renowned in a GORDON LIGHTFOOT song, "Wreck Of the Edmund Fitzerald". So if you want to go to a different place, and a short getaway, be sure to include Detroit area for different view on life in America.