I took my son down to High Falls State Park. It is a nice place with camping, swimming pool, nice size lake for fishing, canoe and paddle boat rentals, and hiking. It's got an old dam with an impressive flow of water coming over and cascading down a large number of rocks. There are a couple of good hiking trails. One goes alongside the river.

My son and I took the 2 mile loop trail. We caught a glimpse of a fox, saw several lizards, climbed down to a neat little creek pool, and saw many impressive plants and trees. We also rented a canoe for an hour. The lake is much larger than I realized. We got some good barbecue just up the road and brought it back and ate in the picnic area. We finished off the day with some good frisbee throwing. We had a great time.

The park is about 1 hour south on I75 from Hartsfield.

<a href="http://gastateparks.org/info/highfall/" target="_blank">http://gastateparks.org/info/highfall/</A>

I've just tried out Flickr so let me know if you can see these photos by just clicking or do they require you to be a member? Keep in mind we're in a drought and the water flow in these shots is a trickle compared to what I've seen here in the past.

Here's the photo link:

<a href="http://flickr.com/photos/lifeshine99/sets/72157600336991387/" target="_blank">http://flickr.com/photos/lifeshine99/sets/72157600336991387/</A>