Murphy's Law
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
Murphy's Non-Rev Laws
The probability of being bumped is in direct proportion to your hotel deposit.
To estimate the time of any non-rev trip. Estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two and change the measure to the next highest unit. In other words allow two days per one-hour flight time.
Your name is lost every fifth time you list
If you're not in the computer you do not exist.
The chance of making any flight is inversely propotional to the importance of the trip.
The distance to the gate is always in direct portion to the weight of your carry-on.
When your flight is late, the connecting flight will always be on time.
The chance of you getting the middle seat is in direct proportion to the time you spent waiting to board.
The better the weather at your destination, the worst the weather at your connection.(especially DFW-ORD-ATL-STL)
The chance of the self-service machine mangling your travel card is the greatest on the day the check-in line ends somewhere near T5.
A short line at check-in becomes a long line at terminal security. Corollary: If you're in the short line, the people in front will let in their relatives and friends and make it the long line.
The most comfortable seats at any gate are always near the dirtest floor. Corollary: the sleepier you are, the louder the floor polishing machine.
The one time you didn't have a chance to eat breakfast is the one time they run out of peanuts.
The hidden flaw in your plans, NEVER remains hidden.
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Keep'em flying