This was an email from the Piedmont Web site.
Hello to all the former PI group
As I finish my 34th year in this crazy industry I have seen a lot of changes
some good and some tragic.
One thing has remained constant though and thats the people. We are truly a
different breed.
In the past 34 years ive attended many a pot luck dinner or cookout at work
or at parties and picnics. You know the type everyone brings something and
shares with everyone else. We all know what it cost to eat at an airport even
with the small discount some of us get.
How many Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners have all of us shared with our
other family at work.
Usually sometime during the proceedings recipes are swapped and shared, I
would like to do that once again only on a larger scale.
If any of you would like to participate please send me your favorite
recipe or more than one, along with you name and Station or base.
I plan on thaking as many of these as possible and combining them into a
cookbook entitled "Real Airline Food"
Anyone submitting will be given credit in the book using their first name
and first letter of their last name along with their base or station.
This is not just for PI and US employees if you have friends with other
airlines that would like to share have them contact me as well.
Keep the Speedbird
Mike Carman MCO