You know you're from Oklahoma when...
You can properly pronounce Eufaula, Gotebo and Okemah.
You understand the following
3.2% beer
dry county
liquor-by the drink
You know at least five types of cloud formations
you know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning
It doesn't bother you to use an airport named for a man who died in an airplane crash.
at least once in your life you used baling wire to attach your license plates
you don't bat an eye when you see chicken-fried chicken on the menu.
you know everything goes better with Ranch.
you really like fried okra (really)
You understand "just open the windows and get in the bathtub."
you can identify at least five varieties of venomous snakes on sight.
you wouldn't miss a Oklahoma/Texas game.
you can pronounce Durant
you understand that Oklahoma is a Southern, Southwestern and a Midwestern state all at once. This is not a contradiction in your mind.
and finally you know you're from Oklahoma when nothing says Christmas like the B.C. Clark Christmas jingle.
(Randy I can hear you singing now)[/list]
Keep'em flying