Hong-Kong to London, the hard way, eastbound with the winds. Non-stop across two oceans and North America. Record distance of 13,422 miles (11,664) nautical miles, flight time 22 hours, 43 minutes. No data on number of movies watched.
For more info
Edited to add- ( for Al)
Plane--- Boeing 777-200LR
Planned takeoff weight--- approximately 695,000 pounds
Fuel--- about 350,000 pounds
engines---General Electic GE90-110B1L
planned engine thrust level--- 110,000 pounds
anticipated altitude--- beginning of flight: 29,000 feet (8839 meters) final altitude: 41,000 feet (12,496 meters)
anticipated test air speed--- approximately 475 knots (about 546 mph or 879 kph)
Keep'em flying