In the spirit of what I've learned from the movies--here's what I've learned from TV.
This list is the result of my many years of watching murder, mayhem and all kind of things blowing up on TV. Comments are welcome


Black cars and sunglasses = BAD NEWS!
--24, Alias

Anything, and I do mean anything, can be hidden in a cell phone-- and in a related note- agent's cell phone batteries last 1000 hours at least.
--24, Alias

A good bottle of wine always contains a radioactive isotope or some bizarre medication
-- 24

Spy satellites can see absolutely everything that happens everywhere--except when it's more dramatic for them NOT to see something, such as right before a commercial

Any picture, from any source- (including security cameras) has great resolution, color and can be enlarged infinitely.
--CSI, CSI:NY, CSI:Miami, Numbers

If your hobby is solving mysteries you will have ample opporutnity to do so as murders will occur wherever you go.
--Monk, Murder She Wrote

Never get on an elevator with a pregnant woman, because... well you know
--numerous sitcoms

Everyone has a wacky next-door neighbor
--any sitcom

A large proportion of space aliens have British accents
--Dr Who, Star Trek

There simply is no limit to the number of things one can do with a tricorder
--Star Trek... all 2,000 of them

No wedding ever goes off without a hitch
--any soap opera

You can have a prince fall in love with you and want to marry you, despite the fact that you are a single mom and former stripper
--any soap opera

Everything falls faster than an anvil
--Roadrunner cartoons

Mice can save the world
--Mickey Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Pinky and the Brain

Never let a friend drive your car, especially if they don't have a valid license
--Judge Judy

Austraila consists of Sydney, a large red rock, three beaches, vast areas of desert and lots and lots of yellow road signs with kangaroos on them

Britain consists of urban areas, no farm land and it rains all the time
--British Comedies on American TV

The only city in Oklahoma is Oklahoma City, the rest of the state is small towns or farms.
--the Weather Channel

Amnesia is commonplace
--House, Grey's Anatomy

Drunk people are hilarious and a lot of them end up at LAX-T1, trying to board a plane to Vegas

Getting a confession from a criminal is as easy as just shouting "you did it" at them for at while
--Law & Order, Law & Order:Special Victims Unit, Law & Order:Criminal Intent

Never split up ever!!!!!

Edited because one should never try to post and talk on the phone at the same time.

Keep'em flying